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Diverse voices championed in new collaboration

At Screenhub we want to fully represent the Australian screen industry, including those voices silenced or lost in established power…


Documentary and the wild, weird world of COVID-19

Feeling dull? A Wellness Roadshow webinar, AIDC podcasts, an online edition of the World Congress of Science and Factual Producers,…


A new International Finance Fund, a surge in certificate applications for Screen Australia

Screen Australia has a couple of dead practical announcements to help focus the minds of producers.


Screen NSW reveals successful applicants to the Slate Development Fund

Feel like the world is changing under your feet? Here's how the social issues of our time are playing out…

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Explore your talent for screen with these respected tertiary courses

A life in the screen sector is a passion which challenges people to a lifetime of learning and growth.


Juvenile Delinquents faces high risk moment of truth

Neil Goss is running his teen flick in some local cinemas between a brief outing in LA and plans for…


Bus Stop Films and Taste Creative have launched The Inclusive Filmmaking Toolkit

Decades of experience and campaigning has gone into learning just how the arts community can create important (and unique) work…

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Spike in demand for animation skills creates opportunity for graduates

The film, television and animation courses at Deakin create work-ready graduates supported by industry partnerships and the latest technology. With…


Mukbang moment can build constructive debate on race in cultural sector

The Mukbang controversy is a chance to discuss race and Australian films. Let's not squander it.

Opinions & Analysis

Exports can double size of sector, claims Screen Producers Australia

SPA pushes harder on export policy, which is a different can of hopes and worms.

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