AFTRS full time editing and design course applications open
The AFTRS Mastrs in Production Design/Costume Design, and in Editing/Documentary Editing are just waiting for the frustrating professional wanting to…
Shoot on schedule, all relieved in jungle
We love this kind of announcement. 'Huge storm never makes shore, hundreds relieved'.
Atlab acquires Animal Logic’s Film Bureau
In a significant move, Atlab and Animal Logic announce that Atlab has acquired the entire film scanning and recording business…
ABC tiny screened enterprise to grow?
With the various entrepeneurs trying to turn your mobile phone into a television, ABC Enterprises has done a deal to…
Atlab moves with the times
Film laboratories don’t often change their address: but in a move that is symbolic of the changing face of the…
Games company assembles elements of Tempest film project
Pisces All Media is pleased to announced that distinguished Shakespearean actor JOHN RHYS DAVIES (Gimli in LOTR, Sliders, Indiana Jones)…
Win for ASDA on copyright recognition
The directors have been very grumpy indeed for a long time about their copyright status, since they feel unjustly neglected…
Metro Research: stuff we want to know
Are you an emerging filmmaker looking for a chance to have your voice heard about the cost of training, equipment,…
Are you an individual - video top ten
When you slump in front of the video machine, are you watching what everyone else is watching? Here's Blockbuster lists…
Consultant to review ABC funding
KPMG Australia is doing a review of the ABC's finances. Either the senior echelons at Auntie have a nice pile…