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Company Announcements

ABC: jobs for the bush

The ABC will add another 17 Radio Online producers to the existing 25, to 'write stories and gather stills, audio…

Company Announcements

Animation writer: busy

Just to prove that we can glue a living out of many different strands, Robert Greenberg shows how it can…


Nickelodeon: building an empire with independents

Nickelodeon, owner of 35 kids’ cable channels around the world, has changed its commissioning system, and opened a door to…

Company Announcements

BBC Motion Gallery: snookered, revved and curled

BBC Motion Gallery, the archive clips sales arm of BBC Worldwide, has bolstered its specialist sports footage by signing several…

Company Announcements

Cybershack: Geek's own dream

Here's a case of the network really knowing its demographic. The new host of TEN's gaming and computer show, Cybershack,…

Company Announcements

AIDC Fringe: class act to follow

Cleverly, the AIDC is running its day long Fringe event AFTER the AIDC, so the experts are already hammered into…

Company Announcements

Lateline: Virginia Trioli nabs hosting gig

Radio's Virginia Trioli will host the Friday editions of Lateline, previously held by Maxine McKew, from this week.

Company Announcements

TTN: Kids to put the hard word on newspaper eds.

In a cute move from Ten's kids' current affairs show, TTN, kids may now be able to make newspaper editors…

Company Announcements

Masters: On Ten, with high definition

No, this is not about Sue. Network Ten today announced that for the first time it had secured the Australian…

Company Announcements

AWG Develops New Writing for Animation Masterclass

Animation is currently one of the few dynamic growth areas in our industry but there are not enough animation writers…

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