Logies: Fifi hosting with the boys.
Fifi Box has been announced as the final, and sole female, host for the Logies. Quite a feat for the…
Screen Editors Guild: another good event
The screen editors do some bonzer events. This one is in Melbourne.
ACMI: moment of cultural brilliance
A shameless moment of self promotion by the editor.
Job: Producer. Melbourne - very tasty...
This position is responsible for creating, producing and sourcing produced short videos featured on an online video channel.
Flying Starkly: barking good animation
Flying Bark Productions PTY. Ltd., Australia's leading producer of quality children's animated programming and family entertainment, today announced they are…
Australian Kids Animation: all over Cannes
Australia’s Greenpatch Productions together with BIG Communications (Singapore) and Thunderbird Films (Canada) have announced a new partnership to co-produce a…
Democratising media: Robert Hackett lecture
Robert Hackett, professor of communication at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, speaks at RMIT on 'the complex relationship between globalising media…
IF: Clare Sawyer takes awards helm
IF Media is pleased to announce the appointment of Clare Sawyer as General Manager/Producer of the Inside Film Awards. Previous…
AFC: Sunnyside deadlines
The AFC are offering Market Travel Grants for documentary producers to attend the Sunny Side of the Doc International Documentary…
City Homicide: New cops on the block.
No brown suits, no Ford Falcons, but there's a lot of history being imbued in Seven's new Melbourne cop show,…