Animfx: Paul Debevec, casting off the plaster
If you've ever wondered how Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button 'aged backwards', Paul Debevec would be a good man to…
NZ News: by the numbers Thursday 5.11.09
Late news numbers were almost a dead heat, with the margin of error meaning either could have won. Campbell Live…
Ettamogah: struth, the cockies are stuffed
Writers owed money, animators laid off, a producer no longer on the premisses - animation company Ettamogah is no longer…
KANZ Broadband Summit: if we build it, they will come - whoever 'they' are
Whatever nice cosy assumptions you've built up over years in the screen production or distribution business; it's time to chuck…
Animfx: Richard Taylor, passionately championing local industry
The Animfx conference got off to a good, if belated, start this morning, with Richard Taylor flawlessly fulfilling the role…
SBS: new chair
Carla Zampatti AC, long-serving Chairman of SBS, today welcomed the appointment of Joseph Skrzynski AO to take over her role…
NZ News: by the numbers Wednesday 4.11.09
Another day at the office.
Animfx: starts tomorrow
Animfx's day of masterclasses kicks off the 2009 conference tomorrow (Thursday) ahead of the conference speaker day on Friday, followed…
TVNZ: celebrating 40 years of network news
On 3 November 1969 at 7:35pm history was created when Dougal Stevenson read the first network news bulletin on NZBC…
NZ News: by the numbers Monday 2.11.09
Tonight almost broke the quarter million mark. Otherwise, it was pretty much business as usual.