Viskatoons: screwed into a jar, floating across the world [repost]
Peter Viska's Viskatoons is a long term player in chlidren's animation, now marching across the Ten schedule with a little…
AACTA: Reflections on the 3rd AACTA nominations from a former insider, part two
Rochelle Siemienowicz reflects on the industry's passion for criticising its awards system, the tricky problem of honour television, and asserts…
Post Production: crucial questions to define our future, part 1
Post production is crucial - we all agree about that. is the sector going extinct? being sucked to death by…
Television Funding: NZ puts Australian system into turmoil
The NZ government has announced that its television industry will receive a 40% rebate, while the Australian industry is stuck…
Asian Television Market 2013: Singapore and the changing face of distribution
The nature of distribution is truly an international issue, as Dr O'D discovered at the Asian Television Market - where…
Post Production: Crucial questions to define our future, part 3
Dominic Case looks at the possible futures for his beloved post-production sector. For once, the argument is not about technology…
Jenny Woods and Film Finances: bonding over twenty years
'Completion Bond': [n] - a legal contract which ensures that any heart attacks before the completion of a film will…
Asian Animation Summit 2013: the soft power of 'confero-diplomacy'
With Screen Australia and the ABC as core initiating partners, the Asian Animation Summit (AAS) is an important event for…
Playpen: state of the art Antarctic TV
An unintentionally hilarious Youtube video is a lot more than a bit of Christmas fun. It points to the fusion…
Brief: Byron Kennedy Award goes to ACS
Not an ACS, the ACS.. and we are sure Byron Kennedy would have approved.