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MIPCOM 2014: James Murdoch pontificates

To James Murdoch, the 21st century is an IP owner's playground, in the same old moral vacuum.


Brief: International Emmies brush Australia

The 2014 International Emmies decide to like Australians, once. A pretty rare moment.

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Writing Children’s TV, Corporate Presentation, Intro To Docos, Brand Funding & More @ AFTRS Open

Grab the last spots in all-new CORPORATE PRESENTATION one-dayer this Friday and WRITING FOR CHILDREN’S TV starting this weekend. October…


Children's TV: Tectonic shifts as grown-ups protect their inner child

Tough, uncertain times in chlldren's drama as the producers head to MIP Junior in the endless search for the finance…


Piracy: shooting sparrows with a cannon

Sue McCreadie, serious purveyor of policy explanation, takes on the horrible task of simplifying the various positions. Hallelujah!


Latest Ratings: Week 41 - October 4th-10th 2014

Wednesday saw Seven lashing out on the meat and potatoes of security, and doing well out of its factual content.


SBS Board: new chair ready, waiting - and a teeny bit secret

After six months of scrabbling, the government has found a new chair of SBS. Just not officially.

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Brand Funding Seminar, Writing Children’s TV, Writing Factual TV & Much More @ AFTRS Open

October course highlights include: BRAND FUNDING IS DEAD: LONG LIVE BRAND FUNDING a 1 day seminar, SHORT FILM SUCCESS in…


Transmedia: from Hollywood to Bogota, a voyage of transformation

Jeff Gomez, transmedia evangelist, has taken the notion from First World entertainment to Third World activism.


Ratings Thursday 2 October

Ten's Bachelor offers a final climactic moment of cheesy prurience and plays merry hell with everyone else's rankings. Heh.

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