
Logies 2015: Mischief livens up traditional trudge
Marngrook charms, as indy production companies hoist flag for specialist skills.

Ratings 15-20 March 015: Hiding still avoiding nation's gaze
Thursday - Seven and Nine feast on the remains of the Celebrity audience, with a side order of ABC.

Film Victoria: awards celebrate Victorian screen success
The Victorian screen sector gathered last night for Film Victoria’s 2015 Seen & Screened event, an annual awards evening that…

Screentime: Callaghan mobbed up with the Underbelly boys
In the tiny pool of senior execs of substantial production companies, Screentime has netted Rory Callaghan.

Malcolm Fraser: last of the giants
Malcolm Fraser was the last of the political leaders who presided over the rebirth of film and the expansion of…

How Australian Filmmakers Can Benefit from Sharing Information
Is the screen sector's passion for secrecy pathological? Here is an argument that transparency is not just possible, but a…

How to turn a chat into an opportunity
Conversation equals wealth if you know how to leverage casual encounters into marketing opportunities.

SBS: Parliament to create budget nightmare
A key SBS amendment is unlikely to get through Parliament - and the results could be catastrophic.

SBS: Chair faces Parliamentary committee
On Thursday, the Chair of SBS Nihal Gupta apeared at a special hearing of a Senate Estimates Committee. The subject…

TV Shooter Producer, TV Research Skills, Music Composition, Writing For Hollywood & More: AFTRS Open
Hot courses in March include: RESEARCH SKILLS FOR TV, the hugely practical TV SHOOTER PRODUCER and Tracey Spicer’s TV PRESENTING:…