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Directing Masterclass, Intro to TV Writing, Six Week Doco School, Digital Producer & More!

November highlights: INTRO TO TV WRITING with Vicki Madden and DIRECTING MASTERCLASS: DAINA REID (both Sat 28 - Sun 29…


Screen Producers Australia: comings and goings on the Council

Three go and three come after recent SPA elections.


National Roundtable sets some boundaries for acceptance

Steps to repair a loss of trust and respect from the arts sector were put into play at a National…


Short window to grab Schlamme Webinar

Thomas Schlamme, key US TV director, is running a masterclass on Tuesday night available to all as a webinar.


National Ratings week beginning Sunday 8 November 2015 - the whole set

An hour of Random Breath Checks wins for Nine. Oh boy.


Showcase: growing grass and an arial llama

Rube Goldberg films are a genre unto themselves. Here's two modern versions which blitz the idea in very different ways,…

Company Announcements

Meet the Director with Thomas Schlamme

Famed US television director let out of cage at ACMI next Monday night.

Company Announcements

Screen Forever: Media Regulation in the Spotlight

Both Minister Fifield and Shadow-Minister Dreyfuss will speak at Screen Forever.


Australia rated #1 for creativity

Australia has been ranked as the world's most creative country on the Global Creativity Index thanks to a combination of…


National Ratings week beginning Sunday 1 November 2015 - the whole week

Seven, thy name is baser instincts, but it could get worse.

1 384 385 386 387 388 746