
Crisis in TV land when adapted novels run out of story
Adapting a set of novels into television series is a fabulous recipe to create sequels. But what happens when the…

Big opportunity for big ideas
Art & About Sydney is eschewing the festival format, providing up to $85,000 per project to transform the city year…

Advanced Lighting, Production Design, Doco Interviews, TV Writing, Directing (Daina Reid) & More
AFTRS Open upcoming February highlights include: ADVANCED LIGHTING SKILLS with Roger Lanser, WRITING FOR TV (10 weeks online), Michael Philips’…

AFTRS Skills Survey
Help shape the future by participating in AFTRS' Skills Survey and have your say in what skills you or your…

Showcase: strangest intercultural mashup of all time...
What happens when rap gets to Siberia, and reaches back to Youtube? Very slick, strange and homely.

ABC Arts Head - Mandy Chang has the desk
ABC Director of Television Richard Finlayson announces the appointment of Mandy Chang to the role of Head of Arts, ABC…

New Year, New Skills! TV Writing, Directing Masterclass, Sketch Comedy, Production Design & More
AFTRS Open has a huge range of courses this Feb & March. Highlights include: WRITING FOR TV (10 weeks online),…

AIDC: new decisionmakers announced and deadline extended for the Factory pitching day
The FACTory strand is a key pitching opportunity - with Midnight Monday 18 January as new deadline.

Beneath the screams the numbers tell the story of TV success
OzTam's figures kiss Seven on its wrinkled brow, and showed the awful difference between the power of drama and sport…

The year in subscription TV - ruder health than we think
The annual figures for Foxtel are dominated by Game of Thrones, suggesting that Wentworth needs a bit of eye-gouging to…