
Screen Music Awards show path to professional success
This year's showcase for the best Australian screen music mixes expected names with new talent. Is the journey changing?

AIDC reshapes management for 2017
Australian International Documentary Conference works through staff changes before the planning becomes intense.

Holes in new Screen Australia Board
The rumbles about the Amazing Shrinking Board at Screen Australia are true, and the revitalisation is lack lustre at best.

Check out this week's highlights
Art House Theatre Day, panel discussions for Antenna, John Collee on Youtube and more..

Postgrad Info Eve + Intro to VR + TV Presenting & More
AFTRS POSTGRADUATE INFORMATION EVENING 21 Sept, 6-8pm. Discover how the AFTRS Graduate Certificates and Masters programs (11 disciplines) are designed…

ABC kids confronts the future they will live in
By asking children and their families what they want, the ABC is discovering it could look more like social media…

National Ratings week beginning Sunday 18 September 2016 - the whole batch
A dog of a night for everyone as Nine is pipped at the post by Seven. We can't get away…

Disability internships welcomed as game changer
The local screen industry is getting serious about careers for people with disabilities, as a new Screen NSW program demonstrates.

How DVD boutiques are fighting the online assault
Will DVD disappear forever? Not if your real life lo-fi personal service specialty storefront has anything to do with it.

What's On - Early Winter, Shaun Tan, AFTRS, festivals.
A tasty range of festivals, screenings under the stars, and Shaun Tan in public.