
Walkleys 2017 - journalism evolves towards rich and strange
How does investigative journalism and excellent reporting adapt to digital times? Here are some hints from The Walkleys.

Screen Forever - Meet the buyers, guess what they have in their pockets
Bread and butter humans at Screen Forever in the vital Meet the Buyer sessions.

What's On - Russian, Japanese and British fests + museum shock + great vids
A bumper crop of startling images and dreamscapes from other cultures, as the last festivals for the year flower. Also,…

New CEO for Film Victoria
The new CEO of Film Victoria to replace Jenni Tosi has now been announced.

Greens get forensic on exhausted industry with new enquiry
A third enquiry, a new fight, and perhaps a last minute rescue from the forces of doom.

CEOs on the move - let the planning and the hoping begin
The politics of agency leadership just got much more complicated as the SAFC head is snaffled by New Zealand.

AFTRS Postgrad Deadline Extended to 23 Oct + Short Courses
Applications for AFTRS 2018 Graduate Certificate and Masters programs have been extended to next Monday 23 October, so you have…

National Ratings from Sunday 15 October 2017 - the whole batch
Bachelorette plus Gogglebox puts Ten on top.

What's On - Blue, Bad Blood, What if it Works + fests + great Deveson doc
A bunch of Australian films, Blade Runner 2049, the Antenna Doc fest - and a wonderful short doc about Anne…

Moya Wood - a life in writing
Moya Wood, a force of nature in the conception, development and writing of important Australian film and television shows, has…