X|Media|Lab: Film X-tended
X|Media|Lab brings the digital innovators behind AVATAR and LOST to Melbourne for XML "Film X-tended"! - and offers a workshop…
Fetch(TV): iiNet in too
iiNet, Australia’s third largest ISP, has partnered with FetchTV to launch the country’s first true national IPTV service, giving customers…
Controller of ABC TV’s Multiplatform Production: Arul Baskaran confirmed
Arul Baskaran has today been appointed the new Controller of ABC TV’s Multiplatform Production department. He has been acting in…
Forlorn Gaze: launches online to US audiences
AFI nominated satirical web series Forlorn Gaze launches on US online network on Wednesday night. Created by Sarah-Jane Woulahan…
Freeplay Independent Games Festival: focuses on the creative and artistic side of making games.
The Freeplay Independent Games Festival will be held at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne, on the 14th and…
Boy: sadly, not the only local film you can steal
Ironically, on the same day that Americans announced that BitTorrent sites were not the biggest threat to the film industry,…
SPADA: submission on the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Bill
This is the full submission by SPADA.
InternetNZ: call to scale back 92A response
InternetNZ argues that illegal downloading isn't killing the industry, is less prevalent than some reports suggest, and that internet account…
Melbourne International Animation Festival: nine days of dedication
MIAFF, celebrating its tenth birthday, starts this weekend. The trailer is a lovely example of painting on film. It is…
3D: now, soon, maybe later
The US studios are hurrying up and waiting with a number of 3D releases during the predicted box office decline…