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Career Advice

Does your business plan pass the checklist?

You probably know you should have a business plan. Did you know you might need two?


Loveshack: framed by its own success

Framed up in the screen sector, games company Loveshack makes an exquisite success.


Showcase: Fury Road, mad monks and stern satire from SBS

We scamper across the net to find some odd clips in honour of April 1st, and the fierce rise of…

Career Advice

The power of intuition

Intuitition isn't just for creative work. It also has a place in the way you manage your career.


AIDC/NET-WORK-PLAY: the net blows education into imagination

The meat and potatoes of factual production is often in education. This is how it works now.


How to Watch TV in the Digital Age

Fascinated by the monster of internet television unleashed by global leader Netflix, we have compiled a handy guide.


Six rules of a good online booking experience

Great, someone wants to come to your show. But make booking too hard and they might give up or never…


Gaming in Color

A pertinent and telling documentary, tracing the subculture existing at the intersection of gaming and queer culture.


How to turn a chat into an opportunity

Conversation equals wealth if you know how to leverage casual encounters into marketing opportunities.


Chinese Exhibition: the dragon awakes with more farce than flames

The exhibition revolution in China is much bigger than we think – and the battle against piracy may be a…

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