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VR - so emotive you may never get out

As VR experts learn to build visceral experiences, they too are going communal, and talking duty of care about their…


Ominous options surface about deregulation of commercial television

Feds to stuff industry in dumb trade? It's a white-knuckle ride.

Career Advice

How to make an award-winning podcast: Tips from the 'Trace' team

From getting the script right to tone and presenting style, the team behind hit crime podcast Trace explain how their…


Modern science and the murder of sleep

Creative life may run on excitement tempered by endurance and a passion for detail, but it all depends on a…


The key to online is algorithmic, crocodilian and surprisingly laid back

AIDC 2018 took delegates down the rabbit hole of digital and social platforms, to reveal the scale and quality of…


Video and print journalists combine to cut through storms of digital garbage

Major newspapers are recruiting documentary makers aka video journalists to make short-form pieces that add the punch of screen storytelling…


What's On - Winchester, French Film Fest, regional Indian extravaganza, and a terrified cat

What's On - Winchester, French Film Fest, regional Indian extravaganza, and a terrified cat.


Dame Changer - senior power for grass roots opportunities

The gender fight morphs again to support mid and early career women to develop a power base.


How to advance and protect creative ideas in a bureaucracy

Tell stories, make your gang small, learn how to work meetings - key lessons on imagination in a huge bureaucracy,…


What's On - AIDC reveals last hooks + great cinemas conference + ones to watch

AIDC dominates the news this weekend with a state-of-the-art conference but we remember ICAA and SPA.

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