
The battle over quotas and kids' TV heads for a desperate climax
The Make it Australian Campaign is now absorbing a huge amount of energy and imagination in the lead-up to the…

What's On In Film - the tastiest events in a crowded calendar
From modern surrealism in Brisbane to Spanish street dancers all round Australia, the Nazis on degenerate art and a John…

No laughing matter: comedy in the wake of #MeToo
The #MeToo movement has revealed the widespread extent of sexual harassment, and brought down comedy legends like Louis CK. What…

Gil Brealey - last of the bureaucratic pioneers
Gil Brealey has died quietly, far from the modern industry, at the age of 85. He is truly part of…

Greens to artists: your rights are our priority
Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young responds to the Government’s updates to Australia’s online regulations, and what they means for creative content…

South Australians rethink development entry barriers
The SAFC has withdrawn formal experience restrictions on development. But what about the floodgates, others will cry.

Mystery head of SAFC revealed
Human dynamo and serial shaker-upperer Courtney Gibson is the new CEO of the South Australian Film Corporation.

NAVA Executive Director criticises recent NSW arts summit
Esther Anatolitis offers a fiery response to a missed opportunity, saying the Arts2025 summit spiralled to a point where all…

NSW cultural fringes receive $350,000 in funding boost
From new kilns to a purpose-built performance space, 14 organisations across NSW will benefit from a $350,000 boost via the…

$1 million boost for Western Sydney arts community
Minister Harwin has opened the State’s coffers with an additional $1M promised to bolster emerging artists in Sydney’s West.