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Giant camera company bets image on human curiosity

Are we a curious nation? Is our curiosity being destroyed by overwork? What is happening to our children? How can…


Jobs, submissions for AFF, Screenability at SFF - timely bits of news

The SAFC has senior jobs, the Adelaide Film Fest delays the submission date (a bit) and SFF promotes its strand…


SoundKILDA 2018 - lovely clips as audience picks the emotional winner

The SoundKILDA strand of the festival always reveals some great music clips. Here are the winners, who take you on…


Illuminating moment from Flame

Flame started small but is growing quickly by following the oldest and most profitable adage of all: follow the money.


Author Raymond E Feist on the art of world-building

The internationally renowned fantasy novelist reveals the magic behind his writing, and why it’s good to talk to your characters.


Blackmagic rides a white horse for empowered creatives

Blackmagic is a remarkable Australian success story, which grew from nothing to sell equipment around the world. All driven by…


ABC Budget Cuts: a key expert speaks

Michael Ward has been a key policy insider for the ABC and the AFC over two decades. Here he works…


Parrot does data science to track the future of television shows

Ratings tell us about eyeballs, but can we deep dive into the sea of conversation about shows and genres? Get…


ABC cuts are not what you think

The budget cuts to the ABC are strangely real and strangely not. How will this play out?


Cinematographers choose best for 2018, find Simon Duggan

While the feature awards went to overseas productions, there are plenty of intriguing careers in the detail.

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