All Screen
All Screen
Bachelor of Creative Arts
Study Mode:
All Screen
Bachelor of Creative Arts / Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Study Mode:
In Class
All Screen
Bachelor of Business / Bachelor of Creative Arts
Study Mode:
In Class
Film, All Screen
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Film and Screen)
Study Mode:
In Class
International Travel Fund
Individuals and Organisations
All Screen
Ayoung Kim – Delivery Dancer's Arc: 0° Receiver
Using CGI, live-action footage and game engines, Korean artist Ayoung Kim creates a speculative multiverse that blurs the boundaries between…
Menopause on screen: 5 moments that made me feel seen
You have to look hard to find menopause and women's midlife experiences on screen – beyond the jokes about hot…
Acting like it's OK: new survey into mental health in the screen industry calls for responses
Researchers are assessing the state of mental heath in workers across the Australian film and TV industries.
All Screen
Graduate Certificate in Screen Development (ARC402.1)
Study Mode:
Godzilla is storming into ACMI this spring for his 70th birthday bash
ACMI is celebrating Godzilla's 70th anniversary from 31 Oct to 3 Nov with films, talks, and games.