All News
16362 resultsNew incentive boosts Queensland film and television industry
Queensland will introduce a Post-Production Incentive to attract more post-production work to the state.
Reality show has sperm as stars
The Dutch are a tolerant people, but even they may think a new reality TV idea has gone too far.
Rank and Phile
There has always been an audience for compelling stories and skillful storytellers. From campfire tales of heroic adventures and deistic…
History gets a drama class at Film Australia
Film Australia is attempting to energise further the production of history documentaries in Australia, partly by appointing famed UK EP…
Northern Rivers Screenworks announces major federal funding
Screenworks ''ScreenXchange'' project has attracted $120,000 from the Department of Communication Information Technology and the Arts'' Information Technology On-Line (ITOL)…
Undiluted joy at successful MIFF
What films does MIFF think did well? The result is a handy guide for audiences looking for the more obscure…
Film and television production booming in Queensland
The latest edition of the PFTC newsletter carries the announcement of another children's series and a ministerial comment 'production expenditure…
The 2005 CUT AND POLISH - An intensive screenwriting workshop
Don't forget that applications for this wonderful opportunity must be received at the Screen Tasmania offices by 5pm on Friday…
Special on Metro Screen courses
Metro Screen in Sydney has a retail moment with a 24 hour special on some approaching courses. Whats the digital…
Laboratory for Advanced Media Production lights lamp at AFTRS
AFTRS' exciting new initiative - the Laboratory for Advanced Media Production (LAMP) - is a series of cutting edge seminars,…