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16377 results'Romulus My Father' under the Arclights
Book is a work of pellucid but melancholy genius, about the making of a moral philosopher in rural Victorian suicidal…
WA Screen Academy Premiere Screening
Eight compelling short films linked by the theme of infidelity feature in the work of the inaugural class of the…
FTI goes north to dust and iron
The WA Film and Television Institute has stitched together interesting deals to spirit a bunch of urban filmmakers to regional…
Palm Tree's shadow reaches northern Japan
'In the Shadow of the Palm Trees' gets festival kudos.
'Spirit of Kokoda' about to give cast a hard time
It will and they will go willingly. How else do they tell the story of the 39th battalion militia in…
Popcorn pumps dancing
Popcorn Taxi is dancing in the aisles about 'Mad Hot Ballroom". Just a rerun of a Sydney Film Fest hot…
Home Brewed 2005 Official Selection
The official selection for the 2005 Home Brewed International Film Festival has been revealed to a waiting world.
Kath and Kim telemovie starts shooting
With one network proving the telemovie isn't dead, Aunty rolls cameras today on a sure-fire hit.
Heartwarming twist to local film festival
Down here in the sub-basement, as Boris staggers between the mighty pistons to throw uranium dust into the electron sifters…
SA Short Wins Best Film at Sao Paulo Short Film Festival.
South Australian filmmaker, Vicki Sugars is elated that her short film Moustache has won the Silver Rabbit for Best Film…