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16384 resultsSanta brings digital cinema to Australia - Narnia shows off system
In an Australian first, Atlab Image and Sound Technology (AI&ST) has integrated the first Dolby Digital Cinema playback system and…
ACMI announces conference on Digital Storytelling
The Australian Centre for the Moving Image is proud to present the First Person: International Digital Storytelling Conference, the first…
Glimpse Festival in the new year
Introducing Glimpse: Independent Documentary Short Film Festival. This Melbourne shorts festival brings together a range of local and international short…
David Vadilevoo gets Human Rights Awards for online project
ScreenHub thinks this is a very fair thing. Those Human Rights Awards are really worth having, and the competition is…
Snowcake and Candy served up at Berlin
Neil Armfield's 'Candy' and 'Snow Cake' by Marc Evans are both screening at the Berlin Festival in February. Dendy has…
Kodak And Real D To Deliver Digital 3-D Cinema In Australia
Kodak is going to ensure Chicken Little looks whiz bang for his Aussie release. The sky isn't falling, it's going…
2006 Filmink awards process choofs ahead
Filmink wants to be the first awards ceremony for 2006, so they are starting now for an April ceremony.
Flickerfest wants January volunteers
You know you hate the bright glare of the summer sun. Beach bunnies are not for you. The narrative of…
OPENChannel supports popcorn taxi Flagfall Film Festival
If you won't go to the festival, the festival will hunt you down anyway. Melbourne taxis are now mini-cinemas, perhaps…
Eden Media offers Maya
Eden Media has expanded it's post production facilities to include Maya.