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Company Announcements

Co-pros: interested in the Dutch?

New Holland Pictures is beginning the campaign for an official co-pro treaty with Holland, and looking for like minded producers.

Company Announcements

Metro - new cameras, retail madness

Sydney's Metro TV - 25 years young this year - has partnered with Sony to acquire two DSR 450WS DVCAM…

Company Announcements

FFC: Hobart bound

After the FFC has been pummelled in the nicest possible way by various mainland public events, the caravan is hopping…

Company Announcements

SP*RK: sparking again, making the A*C happy

SP*RK has proved its worth in developing scripts. Now it is back again. Though it will run at Byron Bay…

Company Announcements

ROCKWIZ goes to France!

London based format distributor Screentime recently partnered with Renegade Films to take the popular music quiz show ROCKWIZ, broadcast on…

Company Announcements

Boot Camp Cannes - 2006

How does the world’s most important film festival and market work and how can you navigate your way through it…

Company Announcements

Phone tap laws: MEAA resists

With two recent incidents in which the law menaced documentary filmmakers, new laws passed by the Senate Friday are even…

Company Announcements

AFTRS: much more than a bunch of directors

The newest generation of talented young filmmakers and television producers graduated from the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS)…

Company Announcements

Comedy Film Festival: all clogged up with yer actual smile

This is a good press release. Like all good things it breaks the rules. Like the rule that a European…

Company Announcements

Channel Ten: management chess

Network Ten is redeploying managers around the country.

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