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16101 resultsNew Aussie product ahead for Seven in 2006
Seven announced their new line-up for 2006 with new local content including 'The Real Seachange', 'Police Patrol' and Where Are…
Western Australia’s new Animation Industry Group comes to life.
Go West to animate. A new association aimed at encouraging and developing animation sets up shop in Perth.
ABC RN shuffle in 2006
Because we know you love the radio, and would get very cranky if Auntie did something bad to Radio National,…
Acting Up Arts Education Survey
Melbourne's 'Acting Up' & Salmac Productions are running a market research survey to find out what kind of acting training…
ScreenPlay live script reading: TV stalwarts out to play
Continuing the series of readings with professional actors, Melbourne's Screenplay is on again tonight. A new film script by a…
New Talent Exposed: VCA Graduate Screenings
Over two weekends in December (8-10, 15-17) the graduating works of students from the Victorian College of the Arts School…
Sydney Film Festival AGM
The revitalisation of the Sydney Film Festival continues with the announcement of new directors at the AGM held on Friday…
Reality TV - the resurgence of myth
When is reality not reality? When it's a myth. Once described by The New York Times as "gross-out shockumentaries and…
'Art of the Documentary Film' competition climaxes
The eight short-listed documentary films in the 5 in 3 on 1 AD-05: Art of the Documentary Film Competition screened…
Shortly, AFC to have co-pro lawyer
Hugh Short has ridden the bureaucratic merry-go-round back to the AFC, this time bringing his NSW FTO expertise on coproduction…