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16224 resultsBeyond: marching towards the horizon, preview disks in hand..
Recent sales after MIPTV ensure mean that you can go to very, very obscure parts of the planet and be…
Metro: more courses
Metro unveils more of its winter program - from post production, to continuity and a three day intensive at the…
Jennifer Byrne to host new ABC Book Club
She's not Oprah, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. ABC TV announced today it is starting production on a…
Multicultural Mentorship Scheme 2006
Metro announces a Sydney program to mentor storytellers from a multicultural background.
Adelaide Film Festival 2007 call for entries. Opens 15 May 2006, deadline 16 October 2006
Metro Screen’s subsidy through Jump Start and the MPG in June.
Each year Metro Screen allocates $40,000 worth of in-kind subsidies through its four Jump Start subsidy rounds and its four…
Writing for Television
QuT is offering a master's program in writing for television. This innovative course provides you with the opportunity to work…
AFTRS producing: its Peter Herbert
The Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS) has appointed Peter Herbert as Head of Producing.
FSM: a reason to strut
FSM Post Produces Four Australian Films Heading For Cannes. Oh yes, the company is pleased.
Project Greenlight: back and badder
One young filmmaker. One million dollars. The opportunity of a lifetime. MOVIE EXTRA today announced the launch of Project Greenlight…