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Company Announcements

Volunteer with a Veteran: Meyers, Cowan, Ansara

Members of a veteran, passionate Sydney gang have come together on a 12 minute silent cinema short, and need a…

Company Announcements

SPAA: another keynote

SPAA has confirmed that Rex Wong, CEO of DAVE.TV? (Distributed Audio Video Entertainment) will be a keynote speaker at the…

Company Announcements

George Munster Journalism Award: goes to ABC

The ABC's National Security Correspondent, Leigh Sales has won the 2007 George Munster Journalism Award for her book Detainee 002:…

Company Announcements

ACMI: arts documentaries in ART STARS programs

From September to November 2007 in ACMI Cinemas will feature an series of Australian premiere screenings of film by and…

Company Announcements

L:iterary Award for Script: Queensland coughs up

The Award for Film Script at the Queensland Premier's Literary Awards this year went to Joel Anderson, for Lake Mungo.…

Company Announcements

FARMkids: best in show

This month, Brisbane based animation company FARMkids continued its journey of success by capturing first place in Brisbane Lord Mayor’s…

Company Announcements

Bra Boys: not just the highest grossing Australian doc - respectable too

With the words 'surf' and 'bra', this pic could be slotted into two different niches. At least one of them…

Company Announcements

Australia National Kodak Filmschool Competition: David Norris from VCA

Victorian College of the Arts film student, David Norris has won the Australia national first prize of the 2007 Kodak…

Company Announcements

Arista in South Australia: brainfood in Hindley St

The internationally renowned UK based script training team ARISTA is coming to Adelaide in early October. [They are not bad,…

Company Announcements


Applications for the Southern Star Entertainment Writing for Television Drama Initiative are now open.

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