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Sky: going out is hazardous to your health

AdWeek nominates DDB's efforts on behalf of Sky as strangest ad of the week. Que sera.


Competition: AFI Film Tipping Competition is online

You will all be delighted to know that our annual


Vintner's Luck: caught in the middle of a Buddhist scrap

The Dalai Lama Visit Trust NZ promoted a screening of The Vintner's Luck and a discussion afterwards about angels. Or…


Rialto: helping out impoverished filmmakers

Rialto Cinemas has formalised the discount offered to members of New Zealand film industry organisations.


NZ News: by the numbers Thursday 3.12.09

ONE News Midday goes nine times better than 3 News at Noon. Nightline restores a little pride, pipping Tonight.


New Zealand Weekend Box Office to December 6, 2009

New Moon hung on for the top spot again, sneaking past the $5 million mark, while 2012 was the only…


BRIEF: free money, not-so-free money, and money with strings

Continuing a theme that's been prevalent of late – the need to look elsewhere for funding – we thought we'd…


BRIEF: BSA sentences lawyer to three years

Peter Radich, a partner in Radich Law and Fonterra's Milk Commissioner, will be the chair of the Broadcasting Standards Authority…


DOCNZ: notes from the airport

Only hours before skipping the country to lead the NZ delegation to GZDOC in Guangzhou, DOCNZ takes time out from…


NZ News: by the numbers Tuesday 1.12.09

A stonker of a day for TVNZ. ONE News Midday outrated 3 News at Noon 12 to 1, and Close…

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