Get Ahead with AFTRS’ FREE Industry Certificate Tasters

The screen and broadcast industries are changing rapidly. Established career roles are evolving and completely new roles are being created. To help you get ahead in this competitive environment, The Australian Film Television and Radio School has developed a program of practical, skills-based Industry Certificate courses mapped to specific roles and skills gaps across the screen and broadcast industries....
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The screen and broadcast industries are changing rapidly. Established career roles are evolving and completely new roles are being created.

To help you get ahead in this competitive environment, The Australian Film Television and Radio School has developed a program of practical, skills-based Industry Certificate courses mapped to specific roles and skills gaps across the screen and broadcast industries.

AFTRS FREE Industry Certificate Taster & Info Evening is a chance to learn about these new courses and pick up practical skills you can apply straight away. Get an overview of the program then choose a one-hour practical taster session for one of the following Industry Certificates:

DIGITAL PRODUCER – Kate Ayrton, a transmedia producer with experience of creating innovative content across a range of brands and products, gives you a crash course in how to develop digital media projects.

CONTENT CREATION – Jess Milne, co-founder and Artistic Director of Content Production company TEN ALPHAS, outlines the skills required to create engaging short-form video and associated digital marketing assets.

PRODUCTION ACCOUNTING – Max Chen, from Moneypenny Production Accounting Services, outlines the key skills you need to launch a career as a Production Accountant for film and screen content production.

PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT (TV UNSCRIPTED) – Kate Manning, an experienced Line Producer and Production Manager, will offer invaluable insights into the skills required to work as a Production Manager in the unscripted broadcast environment.

Tue 30 April, 5.30pm-8pm, AFTRS, RSVP Essential

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.