National Theatre Drama School Advanced Diploma of Acting 2016 – Applications Now Open

The National Theatre Drama School is now accepting applications for the industry accredited Advanced Diploma of Acting.
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Applications are now open for the industry accredited and VET FEE-HELP approved Advanced Diploma of Acting, 2016 intake.

The three year conservatory-style program offers comprehensive and industry specific training in acting, covering all aspects of actor development and performance making. Working closely with a range of active industry professionals, students undertake a rigorous and highly-integrated program of skills training in stage and screen performance. The training is supported by wide-ranging opportunities to explore related skills in direction, production, design and writing. 

Entry to the Advanced Diploma of Acting course is by audition. Applicants must be at least 19 years of age by 1/01/2016.

Auditions for the 2016 intake are being held in Melbourne, Hobart & Adelaide from November 2015.

For more information about the course simply visit the National Theatre Drama School website and download an application form to apply.
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