Australian Film Funding – rules beat taste on funding battlefield

Defending a tax-based subsidy system, David Court points to cruelty of assessment based 'beauty contests'.
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Patronage has its limits as a funding system for creative work. Image cropped from carterse on Flicker.

Controversy flared late last month when The Australian reported that a creationist, anti-Darwinist film had won funding from an Australian government agency through a legal “loophole”.

The Guardian weighed in with a headline that repeated the suggestion of a “loophole” – although it qualified the headline in the body of its report.

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David Court
About the Author
David Court is one of Australia's foremost thinkers on the screen content business. He runs the Compton School, Australia’s first dedicated business school for creative people. He was the founding Director of the AFTRS Centre for Screen Business, and a director of Content Capital Ltd.