Piracy: shooting sparrows with a cannon

Sue McCreadie, serious purveyor of policy explanation, takes on the horrible task of simplifying the various positions. Hallelujah!
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Across cultures and centuries, it seems the battle against pirates could go on forever. So does theft, of course. Image: Barbarossa Hayreddin whacks Andrea Doria in 1538. The goodies and baddies depend on your point of view.

Variety is reporting today  that Russia is set to toughen up anti piracy laws by the end of the year.  This was revealed by legal counsel for the Russian film and TV producers who likened existing anti-piracy legislation, which only obliges websites to remove illegal content, to “shooting sparrows with a cannon”.

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Sue McCreadie
About the Author
Sue McCreadie is the director of the Actors Equity section of the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance.