A once in a lifetime opportunity courtesy of Indiegogo and BBFF

Indiegogo, the number one global crowdfunding platform. wants to share with you the critical insights and success factors to raising the funds you need to make your vision a reality.
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The 8th Byron Bay International Film Festival
28 Feb -9 March 2014
Australia’s largest regional film festival


Got a big story to tell and need money to make it happen?

Indiegogo, the number one global crowdfunding platform. wants to share with you the critical insights and success factors to raising the funds you need to make your vision a reality.

As a sneak peak at Byron Bay International Film Festival’s industry program, today we’re delighted to announce an industry workshop with Tony Been, Indiegogo’s Marketing and Community Manager, on Saturday 1st March, 1pm in Byron Bay.

Campaigns that work

Crowdfunding has revolutionised the way feature and documentary projects are funded, taking the power from the corporations and putting it back into the hands of the creators. As the world’s largest crowd-funding platform, Indiegogo’s online community has raised millions of dollars for thousands of creative campaigns worldwide.

A step-by-step guide to successful crowdfunding

Join Tony Been from Indiegogo as he guides us through running a successful crowdfunding campaign; a workshop in how to create an all-out, communal experience between you and your audience, long before you have a single shot in the can.

A once in a lifetime offer from Indiegogo

This workshop is open to all industry professionals and students. But become a BBFF 2014 Delegate’s Pass holder and you will also get two very special bonus offers from the Indiegogo team:

1. EXCLUSIVE access to Tony Been during the festival’s opening weekend (28 Feb – 2 Mar) to pitch your ideas.

2. Personalised coaching on how to make Indiegogo work for you with EXCLUSIVE access to a one-on-one Skype session with Indiegogo’s Film, Web & Video Manager John Trigonis, crowdfunding expert and author of: Crowdfunding for Filmmakers: The Way to a Successful Film Campaign

Register now for your BBFF 2014 ALL ACCESS 3-Day Delegate’s Pass and discover how to create your own successful Indiegogo campaign.

Earlybird Pricing* $200 still available – Limited Numbers –Register Now!

Buy your Delegate’s Pass at http://on.fb.me/1blNfXg or through the BBFF website.

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity. Open your aperture @BBFF 2014’s panels and workshops.

*Earlybird pricing ends midnight Sunday 16 February.

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.