Post Production: crucial questions to define our future, part 1

Post production is crucial - we all agree about that. is the sector going extinct? being sucked to death by parasites? Adapting genteelly to a modest future? Dominic Case, vastly experienced and alway
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Post production is crucial – we all agree about that. is the sector going extinct? being sucked to death by parasites? Adapting genteelly to a modest future? Dominic Case, vastly experienced and always unflappable takes the temperature of the current and future industry.

Judging from the statistics, the prospects for the post production sector are gloomy. Ibisworld reports a annual 3.1% growth in the film and video production sector in the five years projected up to 2014, but anticipates that post production will have shrunk by 5.6% per annum in the same time, resulting in an annual revenue of $337m in 2014 – about one sixth of the production sector.

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Dominic Case
About the Author
Dominic Case was the Technology Manager for the Atlab Group for many years, and on the Board of the AFC during the period that the NFSA was a part of that organisation. He also worked for the NFSA briefly as head of the Film Branch, and for a year as Development Manager. He gave a paper at the last SMPTE conference on the difficulties faced by film archives in the digital era.