Award-Winning Writers Champion New Stories

Tired of violence and crass, tasteless humour in our entertainment? Authors Billie Dean and Andrew Einspruch were. And it spurred them to launch a summer writing retreat to help writers of all levels
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Tired of violence and crass, tasteless humour in our entertainment?

Authors Billie Dean and Andrew Einspruch were. And it spurred them to launch a summer writing retreat to help writers of all levels create new stories.

“Human beings are wired for story. Our brains crave it, and have done so since our ancestors sat around fires telling tales,” said Dean.

“But what kind of stories we feed into our brains matters a lot,” she said. “Studies show, for example,that exposure to media violence is linked to actual violent behaviour. So we need new stories. Desperately so, if you look at the world around us.”

Writing the New Stories will be led by Dean, whose book “Secret Animal Business” recently earned her an Outstanding Author award, chosen from an international pool of entries by the global Vegan of the Year panel. She’s joined by Einspruch, who has had more than 100 children’s books published worldwide.

With them is a stellar panel of writing experts, giving writers an immersion into the joys, methods and mysteries of writing. The experts include some of the country’s writing greats: comic Tim Ferguson, Geoffrey Atherden (“Mother and Son” and “Grass Roots”), Pose Graeme-Evans (novelist and “McLeod’s Daughters”), and Stephen Measday, (“A Pig Called Francis Bacon”).

“It is time for something different,” said Dean. “Something fresh or funny, but definitely meaningful and original. We want authors to launch themselves into a world of writing that lifts themselves and their readers up to a whole new level.”

“Artists of all kinds, and especially writers, help shape the world,” said Einspruch. “We are inviting writers, from the pros to those just starting out, to learn from some of the country’s best, to reach into their inspirations, and create beauty.”
!Writing the New Stories will held in the State Heritage-listed town of Braidwood,NSW the weekend of January, 11-12, 2014.

ScreenHub readers can receive a $50 discount for this course by quoting ‘ScreenHub’ when they ring to book.

For more information, please see

Media Contact:
Billie Dean and Andrew Einspruch
Wild Pure Heart

Ph: (02) 4842 2819

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.