Murdoch: what does he want from the Abbott government?

No point in paranoia, thinks Dr O'D, but the Murdoch clan has always mixed social moments with political nods and winks, and the old prune has been on Australian sofas for a couple of weeks. What coul
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No point in paranoia, thinks Dr O’D, but the Murdoch clan has always mixed social moments with political nods and winks, and the old prune has been on Australian sofas for a couple of weeks. What could be on the family wishlist in the local media landscape?

A seat, a seat; my kingdom for a seat

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Dr Vincent O`Donnell
About the Author
Dr Vincent O`Donnell is a historian who produces `Arts Alive`, the national arts and culture current affairs radio program, an honorary fellow of RMIT University School of Media & Communication, and the University of Melbourne`s School of Historical and Philosophical Studies.