Screen Australia: documentary production tranche, October 2013

Of the 5.5 hours in the latest documentary investment announcement, 2.5 is for one off programs, which gives Screen Australia a chance to emphasise its commitment to the shorter forms. Besides which,
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Of the six hours in the latest documentary investment announcement, three is for one off programs, which gives Screen Australia a chance to emphasise its commitment to the shorter forms. Besides which, there are some slightly unusual broadcasters in the list.

The four films will take advantage of “over $1 million investment” to generate “over $4.6 million in production.” With Kakadu in production, Northern Pictures dived deeper into Big Ecosystem nature documentaries by developing a three part series about a year on the Great Barrier Reef. With the ABC sharing a facemask, Sue Clothier’s company was able to secure American PBS as production partners. Director Nick Robinson will be used to itching and scratching on location as he did Kakadu.

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