MIPCOM 2013: deep logic behind Israeli production company’s interest in the Australian production se

Israeli production company Keshet is providing a conduit for Australian factual producers. The reasons make perfect sense, but they don 't come from the traditional dealmaker's playbook.
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Israeli production company Keshet is providing a conduit for Australian factual producers. The reasons make perfect sense, but they don ‘t come from the traditional dealmaker’s playbook.

Israeli production company Keshet had already been a major exporter of scripted content when it had a huge hit with Prisoners of War, which was reversioned as the US series Homeland. In May 2013, the company formed a joint venture with Northern Pictures, Sue Clothier’s Sydney factual television company. Its blue chip natural history series Kakadu is current screening on the ABC.

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László Kriston
About the Author
László is a film critic and journalist, originally from Budapest, who is very active on the international festival scene.