AIMC 2013: Is this your Zero Moment of Truth?

Forget FMOT and SMOT, the real decision point that drives our industry is the ZMOT, which waits to enslave us all inside our electronic devices. ZMOT is the decision point which social media strategis
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Forget FMOT and SMOT, the real decision point that drives our industry is the ZMOT, which waits to enslave us all inside our electronic devices. ZMOT is the decision point which social media strategists seek to control – an idea which gave Ruari Elkington his own Zen moment of satori.

Following on from yesterday’s opening address News Corp Australia’s Group Director of Digital Product and Development, Alisa Bowen, provided a sober counterpoint to the triple screen extravagance of Sony Pictures preview for exhibitors.

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Ruari Elkington
About the Author
Ruari Elkington works in theatrical and DVD distribution for Gil Scrine Films and Antidote Films, coordinates short courses for AFTRS and writes about film and screen culture when he can.