NBN: Watch the deckchair. See it glide about. This ship is called The Titanic

After so much uncertainty, Dr O'D can now get forensic on a government that is forced beyond rhetoric into the real world. What will Turnbull do with that pesky gap between the node and the nation's f
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After so much uncertainty, Dr O’D can now get forensic on a government that is forced beyond rhetoric into the real world. What will Turnbull do with that pesky gap between the node and the nation’s front doors?

In opposition a political party is omnipotent. It can make promises (non-core of course) that are quietly fanciful. In government, the party’s promises become the playthings of a political reality where law and due process, not reckless rhetoric, rules.

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Dr Vincent O`Donnell
About the Author
Dr Vincent O`Donnell is a historian who produces `Arts Alive`, the national arts and culture current affairs radio program, an honorary fellow of RMIT University School of Media & Communication, and the University of Melbourne`s School of Historical and Philosophical Studies.