Archive: put experts together, watch them bring out thin edge to massive wedge of change

In the end, all screen work only continues because it is archived. But new ideas about re-use, community access, Intellectual Property and the idea of the author are transforming both archives, and th
[This is archived content and may not display in the originally intended format.]

In the end, all screen work only continues because it is archived. But new ideas about re-use, community access, Intellectual Property and the idea of the author are transforming both archives, and the very concept of yours and mine. ScreenHub’s Andrew Einspruch reports.

You might think of archives as dusty places with ancient wonders hidden away from everyone but the lone, intrepid scholar. But at the panel discussion “Digitise or Perish” in Canberra this week for GLAMs (galleries, libraries, archives and museums), the message was clear: archival material is only relevant when accessible.

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Andrew Einspruch
About the Author
Andrew Einspruch has covered many conferences for Screenhub. His family production company has evolved into the story studio Wild Pure Heart, which is a vehicle for writing projects like his award winning humorous fantasy series, The Western Lands and All That Really Matters. He also helps to run a rescue farm and freelances as a technical writer.