Jonathan Dawson: industry all-rounder dies, aged 71

Film critic, screenwriter, director, filmmaker and academic Jonathan Dawson has died at the age of 71 in Hobart on Friday night after a long illness.
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Film critic, screenwriter, director, filmmaker and academic Jonathan Dawson has died at the age of 71 in Hobart on Friday night after a long illness.Homicide and Division 4. He also became the chair of the Victorian Branch of the Australian Writers’ Guild.

He directed two feature films of his own, Final Cut in 1980 and Ginger Meggs in 1983.

Dawson, however, was also active in the academic world, and left production to establish the then-new Media Studies department and screenwriting course at the University of Canberra. In 1975 he left Canberra for Queensland the the bush campus of a very new Griffith University, where he established the screen studies and production courses. He would go on to do the same for the University of Tasmania.

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