Wastelander Panda 2: getting really serious with webisode development

Student ⇒ video games ⇒ webisodes ⇒ funding = assault on mainstream television. The head was bought online from the US, and works just fine.
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Student ⇒ video games ⇒ webisodes ⇒ funding = assault on mainstream television. The head was bought online from the US, and works just fine.

Cooked up during a screen production course at Flinders University in Adelaide as a bit of a joke, Wastelander Panda is the brainchild of Victoria Cocks and Marcus McKenzie, who then approached Kirsty Stark and Vivyan Madigan at Epic Films to produce their television series about a machete-wielding panda.

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Lyn Norfor
About the Author
Lyn Norfor is a producer with factual and drama television projects in development.