Gatsby: computer magic behind the effects

Chris Godfrey, the VFX supervisor on The Great Gatsby, has posted a reel of before and after shots, in which the green screens define exactly what was added in the computer.
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Chris Godfrey, the VFX supervisor on The Great Gatsby, has posted a reel of before and after shots, in which the green screens define exactly what was added in the computer.

Such is the visual power of the film that I lost all interest in making technical sense of the picture. Seen like this on Vimeo the work is mind-boggling.

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David Tiley was the Editor of Screenhub from 2005 until he became Content Lead for Film in 2021 with a special interest in policy. He is a writer in screen media with a long career in educational programs, documentary, and government funding, with a side order in script editing. He values curiosity, humour and objectivity in support of Australian visions and the art of storytelling.