Women in Film: crunching the numbers is a good place to start

Former 20th Century Fox executive, producer of What Women Want, and once-supervising executive on a little movie called Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Susan Cartsonis takes a long look at the financial rea
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Former 20th Century Fox executive, producer of What Women Want, and once-supervising executive on a little movie called Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Susan Cartsonis takes a long look at the financial reasons to have more women in the industry.

In a recent episode of the television series Mad Men, Sterling Draper Cooper Pryce merges with another advertising agency, and each of the agencies have a woman on their creative team. Peggy, played by Elisabeth Moss, is the senior female creative executive in the new combined team. Peggy is introduced to the sole woman from the other team, and that creativ executive wittily and pre-emptively tells everyone she’s “toast” because with Peggy’s arrival, the combined agency already “has one”. As in one woman. In the scenes that follow, the extra woman is “disappeared” with no mention of her again…

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