LeWeb: Capitalists go hippy, offer Australians discount for key conference

Reed Midem, which runs the MIP conferences, has plunged into the digital world with the purchase of LeWeb, a strand of conferences. The next, in London on June 5th and 6th, is enticing wandering Aust
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Reed Midem, which runs the MIP conferences, has plunged into the digital world with the purchase of LeWeb, a strand of conferences. The next, in London on June 5th and 6th, is enticing wandering Australians with a fifty percent discount, but only until May 23rd.

Reed Midem are a bunch of tough capitalists well used to running huge markets in which commerce is truly king. So to theme the next LeWeb conference around the line ‘Digital Hippies and the Sharing Economy’ is either grotesquely cynical or gallically sophisticated.

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ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.