Calling young doco filmmakers – get ready to fire your Opening Shot!

Are you a young and talented doco director or producer, DOP, editor, AP, writer, field director or researcher? ABC2 wants to hear from you! Deadline: Friday 12th April. In a prime time half hour d
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Are you a young and talented doco director or producer, DOP, editor, AP, writer, field director or researcher? ABC2 wants to hear from you! Deadline: Friday 12th April.

In a prime time half hour documentary series on ABC2, Opening Shot gives up to six young directors, (aged 35 years and under), the chance to reveal something surprising about life in Australia today, and to ‘fire an opening shot’ into the national conversation.

Given the chance, what would YOU say about Australia today?

What piece of Australian life would you put under the microscope? What fascinates you?
Makes you angry? Scares you? Inspires you? Makes you laugh? Who’s story do you want
to follow? What will it reveal to the ABC2 audience?

We want to hear from you.

Guidelines and Application form:

ABC2 brief:

Opening Shot is an industry development initiative supported by Screen Australia and ABC2 to develop a new generation of Australian filmmakers.


The applicant team must include at least a director and producer each of whom must have at least one screen credit in significant creative role (eg director,producer, DOP, editor, associate producer, writer, field director or researcher) on a film that has either been broadcast and/or screened at a recognised film festival. Films made at a film school qualify if they have been broadcast and/or screened at a recognised film festival. Credits can be in documentary or drama production, and may include short films and television series. The team may also include a writer.
The director must be 35 years or under as at the closing date 12 April 2013.

For more details please see Guidelines and Application form and the ABC2 brief

N.B. We’ve amended the first stage application process to enable you to focus more on the ideas you’d like to submit. Full A-Z budgets are now required only for shortlisted projects.

Deadline: Friday 12th April

Contact: Edwina Waddy, ABC TV Factual,

About the Author
ScreenHub​ is the online home for emerging and experienced Australian screen professionals.