Diversity: some thoughts on (gasp) taking a risk

Beyond the usual political agendas for the sector, an older perennial has raised its head to give a different twist to 2013. Dr O'D, Sydney raised, Adelaide scarred and Melbourne stabilised, reflects
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Beyond the usual political agendas for the sector, an older perennial has raised its head to give a different twist to 2013. Dr O’D, Sydney raised, Adelaide scarred and Melbourne stabilised, reflects on 2013 and the world beyond the south-eastern corner.

The ABC’s decision to close production in Hobart raises some issues about localism in Australian production for television as well as cinema.

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Dr Vincent O'Donnell
About the Author
Once a film editor, Dr Vincent O’Donnell is a historian of Australian film agencies. He is an honorary fellow in RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication, a past president of the Producers and Directors Guild of Victoria and former executive producer at Film Victoria.