Asian Television Forum 2012: Blade runner meets branded entertainment

Faced pressed against the glass, Dr O'Donnell contemplates the future of television in Asia, and finds the rise and rise of branded content. At least brands are firmly defended by the law; formats are
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Faced pressed against the glass, Dr O’Donnell contemplates the future of television in Asia, and finds the rise and rise of branded content. At least brands are firmly defended by the law; formats are still a lot more ambiguous.

The daylight is fading with tropical rapidity.

Your correspondent is looking out at the city of Kuala Lumpur from the 19th story of one of its better up-market tourist hotels. Nothing, of course, that James Packer would stay at, but a good site for the inaugural Asian Animation Summit.

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Dr Vincent O'Donnell
About the Author
Once a film editor, Dr Vincent O’Donnell is a historian of Australian film agencies. He is an honorary fellow in RMIT University’s School of Media and Communication, a past president of the Producers and Directors Guild of Victoria and former executive producer at Film Victoria.