WIFT: Sue Maslin speech keeps flag flying on central issues of women and leadership

Gender equity may be off the official agenda, but the pressure to support women in leadership positions in the sector continues. The situation, as Sue Maslin outlined at the WIFT Victoria Annual Gener
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Gender equality may be off the official agenda, but the pressure to support women in leadership positions in the sector continues. The record, as Sue Maslin outlined at the WIFT Victoria Annual General Meeting, remains appalling.

Sue Maslin is a long time advocate for promoting and supporting women in the Australian film industry, and an an award winning screen producer and Adjunct Professor of the School of Media & Communication, RMIT University. She first began the work to set up WIFT Victoria in 1989, and 23 years later stood at the podium of WIFT’s AGM urging members to think about women and leadership.

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Lisa French
About the Author
Lisa French is a Professor and Dean of Media & Communication at RMIT University. She is a widely published researcher on women in the screen sector and co-chair of the UNESCO global research network on Media, Gender.  She is also a member of the Gender Matters Task Force.