Matchbox: ABC Head of Comedy joins independent sector

ABC Head of Comedy, Debbie Lee, is leaving the national broadcaster to take over as Director of Scripted Development at Matchbox Pictures, as the independent producer prepares to grapple a bumper year
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ABC Head of Comedy, Debbie Lee, is leaving the national broadcaster to take over as Director of Scripted Development at Matchbox Pictures, as the independent producer prepares to grapple a bumper year of scripted production, including four as-yet-unannounced projects.

Chris Oliver-Taylor, Managing Director of Matchbox Pictures, told ScreenHub that the appointment was necessary to keep the company’s development pipeline active while the founders of the company were “drafted out into yonders, far and wide next year.”

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Alex Prior
About the Author
Alex Prior is a digital marketing consultant, the founder of ScreenHub, and a former editor-in-chief of ArtsHub.