SPAA 2012: Minister rebukes SPAA over Australian content tactics

Speaking at the 2012 Screen Producers Association Conference in Melbourne, Minister for the Arts Simon Crean rebuked the organisation over its lobbying efforts on behalf of the Australian content quot
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Speaking at the 2012 Screen Producers Association Conference in Melbourne, Minister for the Arts Simon Crean rebuked the organisation over its lobbying efforts on behalf of the Australian content quotas for television.

“With respect to Brian [Rosen, president of SPAA], can I just say, you do need to bit careful about talking down the sector,” Mr Crean said. “The truth is that Tony Abbott talks down the economy, and it’s not a tactic, quite frankly, that is helping him. Because it’s not true. And it won’t help the film industry, because again it’s not true.”

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Alex Prior
About the Author
Alex Prior is a digital marketing consultant, the founder of ScreenHub, and a former editor-in-chief of ArtsHub.